Author: Celina, Silje og Rune Fylkesnes

The first thing we noticed when she started to get ill, was that the joy and the laughter disappeared. Her eyes were empty and she became easily irritated and frustrated. She had been struggling with stomach pains for a while; she quickly became weary and tired, and had difficulty focusing at school. Throughout the summer of 2017 we noticed that Celina wasn’t able to do as much as she had before the summer. She began to take rest breaks several times a day, football practice became a chore, and she found it very hard to get up in the morning.
Eight years after her stomach troubles had first begun, Celina was finally diagnosed with coeliac disease in September 2017. Finally, we had a diagnosis, so we thought everything would become all right again. But this didn’t happen…
Deteriorating health – but the doctors find nothing wrong
Celina was examined by the doctors and hospitals, but nobody could find any reason why she was so listless. All the tests came back fine.
She remained in this state until early spring 2018, when her condition worsened. Celina was no longer able to walk or cycle to school, she couldn’t go to football practice, and she needed help to get up and down the stairs because her legs gave way. When she felt able to walk, it was at a very slow pace, and her balance was poor.
In March 2018, Celina was admitted to hospital because she had severe stomach pains and also because she was now so emaciated and had hardly any energy left. Again, the doctors were unable to find anything wrong other than constipation and they thought this would explain why she was so weak.
She was discharged from hospital after two days, but her condition kept deteriorating. Celina was no longer able to attend school. On the days when she was able to be there for a couple of hours, she had to lie down and ‘recharge’ her batteries for the rest of the day, and often the following day, too. Her body was no longer able to carry her weight, she needed help to take a shower, help to go to the bathroom and there were days when we had to feed her. She sweated an awful lot, suffered from headaches, and was very sensitive to light and sounds. There were also bouts of insomnia.
He said he knew she would get well again
We were desperately looking for help and feeling very distraught. Then we heard about the Lightning Process and spoke to others who had taken the LP course. We had no doubts about wanting to try this after we had a close relative tell us about a friend who had taken this course. He had become well again after many years of suffering from ME. This man had been on 100 percent sick leave from his job as a surgeon. He was back again working full time just a month after he had taken the course.
We also made a phone call to the father of a young girl who had suffered severely from ME. She had been lying in a darkened room for many years, and they were all fearing for her life, thinking she might die soon … But she, too, regained her health fully after an LP instructor had come to see them at home. Her father told us: “I don’t believe that Celina will get well again; I know she will get well again!”
A new girl
Celina went away to take a course together with her dad in June 2018. It was a long drive, and she was quite exhausted when they arrived, and needed help to get into the hotel room. After one day at the course, we received a video of a girl who was smiling and laughing, playing football and jogging around the hills of Oslo. So amazing and wonderful!
After three days at the course, Celina returned home as a new girl. She is now back at school, playing football several times a week. She is a happy, smiling, and cheerful girl again.
Celina is back to her old self, and there are no signs of any illness. We believe her body was probably run down after all those years of stomach pains and poor nutritional uptake. In addition, a blood sample showed she had had mononucleosis at some time, which had not been detected. This might have acted as a ‘trigger’ for the body.

We both felt very positive about this course, and had no doubt that Celina would recover. We told Celina that she would get well again after this trip to Oslo, and she was very confident about this herself. She did a count-down to the start of the course, and the number of days before she was going to get well again.
The lessons she learned was how to focus on other thoughts than being sick; to replace “sickness thoughts” with “healthy thoughts”. She also learnt a process for how to come out of a negative mind-set.
Silje and Rune Fylkesnes (parents)